The best restaurantsof chinese in Carlow

3 restaurants in GastroRanking

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Jasmine Chinese Restaurant

03/07/2024: Should be wearing balaclavas robbing huars, looked at the menu and had to walk out , you’d need to get a loan off the credit union for a packet of prawn crackers
25/06/2024: Myself and my son usually eat in the restaurant. Today was the first time ordering take away . I ordered two dishes crispy chicken and duck with black pepper sauce ( not black bean ) and I asked for extra veg . My son’s dish was a mush of chicken with no sign of a chilli so we gave that to the dogs . My dish was just duck , not crispy with the wrong sauce and no veg . When I rang in to say it was terrible and had cost me 38 euros the lady was very nice in the phone . Then the manager rang and said I had to drive the food back 12 miles and as my dogs had eaten the chicken dish it could not be replaced. My duck could not be swapped for beef as it was two euros more expensive. Rotten evening and was harassed by the manager .

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